Friday, August 12, 2011


Smoking and Fuming

     “I’m putting it back da fack up, an if youses teah it down, I’m facking suing, ya dig?”

     “Go get im kid!” Sombody screamed.



     The crowd was behind me, but those assholes caused me to start smoking again. I walked away from them, went straight to the kiosk and bought a pack. I was fuming and puffing away again. The freaking unions have messed up our country…they’re a bunch of gangsters who intimidate entrepreneurship. But anyway, we managed, hustled it back up, and they left us alone. They thought I was crazy and didn’t want to mess with me. I guess after the spectacle I made, they must have figured it would be a bad idea to do me in, too many witnesses, and motives. But it turned out to be a way cool, a great show. It proved to me that divine providence does reward hard work. Of all those big marketeers at the show, we were the only ones featured on Eyewitness News that night, and we got three minutes on the air. You just can’t buy that kind of publicity.

     “The Convertible!”

     That was our name, and the sign said,

     “Convert your TV into a giant screen system for only three hundred and fifty dollars.”

     The reporters came over laughing, pointing at our rinky dinky display. Well, next to Sony and the other big guns, it was rinky dinky. They thought it was a big joke, and we were going to be their laugh for the evening. They interviewed us, went inside our tent, checked out our system, and then…recommended it. The joke was on them. Their lead in was,

     “If you don’t have two or three thousand dollars for a projection system, we suggest the Convertible…it works.”

     We taped it, I still have it, and I used it in a lot of our presentations. Too bad ABC wouldn’t give us the data on inquiries, but I guess that was asking too much.

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